Thursday, July 11, 2013

Russia finds dead lawyer Magnitsky guilty in posthumous trial

Credit: Reuters/Mikhail Voskresensky

Attorneys of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky sit in front of an empty defendants' cage during a court session in Moscow March 22, 2013.

The court also convicted Magnitsky's former client William Browder, a Briton who has spearheaded an international campaign to expose corruption and punish Russian officials he blames for Magnitsky's death in a Moscow jail while awaiting trial in 2009.

Browder, tried in absentia, was sentenced to nine years in prison in the case which has shown the dangers faced by Russians who challenge the authorities under Putin and deepened U.S. and European concern over human rights and the rule of law.

'Today's verdict will go down in history as one of the most shameful moments for Russia since the days of Josef Stalin,' Browder, who lives in Britain and is unlikely to be extradited to Russia, said in an emailed statement.

Magnitsky died after a year in jail during which he said he was mistreated and denied medical care in an effort to get him to confess to tax evasion and give evidence against Browder, the head of investment fund Hermitage Capital Management.

The Kremlin's own human rights council has said there was evidence suggesting Magnitsky, 37, was beaten to death. Yet Putin has dismissed allegations of torture or foul play and told the nation last year that he died of heart failure.

Nobody has been convicted for Magnitsky's death, and a judge threw out a case against a senior prison official who was the only person to face trial, after Putin signaled that Russian authorities should not be blamed.

After lobbying by Browder, the U.S. Congress passed the Magnitsky Act, which bars Russians believed to have been involved in his death or other severe human rights abuses from entering the United States, and freezes their assets there.

President Barack Obama signed the legislation last December, adding to strains that increased between the former Cold War adversaries after Putin returned to the Kremlin for a new six-year term in May 2012.

Putin, who accuses the United States of using human rights concerns as a pretext to meddle in Russia's affairs, swiftly retaliated by imposing similar measures on Americans and also barring U.S. couples from adopting Russian children.


Russian authorities closed the case against Magnitsky after his death but reopened it in 2011. His family said it was illegal to try a dead man without the consent of his relatives.

'This show trial confirms that Vladimir Putin is ready to sacrifice his international credibility to protect corrupt officials who murdered an innocent lawyer and stole $230 million from the Russian state,' Hermitage Capital said in a statement.

Browder, whose fund was once the largest investor in Russian equity markets, says Magnitsky's arrest was engineered by the same police and tax officials he had implicated in the alleged theft through fraudulent tax refunds.

He and his supporters have documented what they say is evidence that officials involved in the case had vastly enriched themselves, with homes, cars and other property far out of reach of their state salaries.

The case 'shows the lengths that Putin is ready to go to retaliate against anyone who exposes the stealing and corruption he presides over,' Browder said, adding that the government had inflicted 'malicious pain' on Magnitsky's grieving family.

Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, declined to comment on the verdict or Browder's remarks.

Magnitsky's mother, Natalya, declined to attend a trial she called an 'outrage against the memory of my son'. The court appointed defense lawyers after she and Browder refused to do so.

The courtroom cage reserved for defendants stood empty as judge Igor Alisov read the verdict, saying the state had proven its claim that Magnitsky, acting in Browder's interests, had organized and implemented a large-scale tax evasion scheme.

Prosecutors had accused Magnitsky and Browder of failing to pay 522 million roubles ($16 million) in taxes.

Browder's court-appointed lawyer said he would appeal the verdict.

Browder was barred from Russia in 2005 as Hermitage found itself under increasing official pressure after he voiced criticism of corporate governance at large Russian companies.

Prosecutor Svyatoslav Slobodin said Browder would be arrested if he entered Russia, but Russia's chances of jailing him are limited.

Interpol has refused to include Browder on its international search list after deciding that Russia's tax evasion case against him was 'predominantly political'.

(Additional reporting by Alexei Anishchuk; Editing by Douglas Busvine and Robin Pomeroy)

San Francisco plane crash 911 calls released from Asiana flight 214 passengers

Emergency phone calls made by some of the passengers and witnesses involved in the crash landing of Asiana Airlines flight 214 reveal the chaos and confusion that unfolded Saturday when the plane's rear end crashed into a seawall at San Francisco International Airport.

On Wednesday, the California Highway Patrol released audio excerpts of emergency calls made when the Boeing 777-200 crashed on the runaway, killing two teenage Chinese girls and leaving many more people injured.

'We just crashed landed on the airline and it looks like help's coming, but not too many ambulances,' said one caller. When the dispatcher asked if there was anybody trapped on the plane, the person responded: 'I think the majority of people got off. I tried to stay back, but I think there were at least a handful of people behind me before everyone was telling us to get out.'

Another caller at the airport told an emergency dispatcher that she just got into a plane crash and that there were not enough medics at the scene: 'There's a woman on the runway who is pretty much burned very severely on the head, and we don't know what to do.... she is nearly burned, she will probably die soon if she doesn't get help... she needs help. How do I -- is there any way I can assist her?'

Another woman who said she was on the plane told a dispatcher she had been on the ground for 20-30 minutes: 'There are people laying on the tarmac with critical injuries. We're almost losing a woman here. We're trying to keep her alive.... we've been on the ground and we have not seen one ambulance the whole time.'

Earlier, federal safety officials said one of the pilots on the flight initially told the crew not to evacuate passengers after it crashed.

The National Transportation Safety Board said Wednesday that people did not begin fleeing the aircraft until 90 seconds later when a fire erupted. At that point, the doors were opened and escape slides were inflated. Two flight attendants were pinned by slides that inflated inside during the impact.

As CBS News correspondent John Blackstone reported, NTSB chairman Deborah Hersman said it was one of the flight attendants who insisted passengers had to start getting off the aircraft.

'He could see fire outside of the window,' Hersman said. 'He sent the flight attendant who was sitting with him up to the front of the cabin to let them know that there was fire and that they needed to evacuate.'

Officials say the delay occurred as the pilot checked with the tower at the airport.

CBS News aviation consultant Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, who piloted the 'Miracle on the Hudson' jet in 2009, told 'Evening News' anchor Scott Pelley that the flight attendants were following their training, which is 'to contact the contact the cockpit and ask for direction.'

'It was important to note,' Sullenberger added, 'that the flight attendant...immediately saw fire on the right side and communicated that to the front and recommended evacuation so that it could take place quickly.'

About why the pilots would insist that everybody stay in their seats, Sullenberger explained that some number of seconds were needed 'to assess the situation and make sure that it wasn't more dangerous for them to immediately evacuate into an unknown situation than to remain on board. Of course, it's also important to notice that the flight attendants, of course, have the ability to immediately begin the evacuation when they determine that the threat exists and it's an immediate danger, or if they can't contact the pilots.'